Tuesday, January 21, 2014

LOW CARB: Exciting Cauliflower Crust For The Pizza Lover!

Low Carb Pizza Crust by Eric Berg.
As you know, I am always looking for new ways to enjoy my low carb lifestyle. One thing that I kinda miss is anchovie and onion pizza (don't judge me!).  The good news is that after some searching I found one and was happy  to add it to the "Jimmy D's Low Carb Cookbook!".

If you have been looking for a Low-Carb pizza crust alternative then this is defiantly one to try.  Eric Berg takes you through every step of making this delicious cauliflower pizza crust with his YouTube video post. I am thinking about hacking the recipe a bit and adding coconut flour and a pinch of yeast. My thinking is that it will be a little thicker but not too thick. This coconut flour pizza crust recipe from The Stuff I Make My Husband blog gave me the idea!  Enjoy your pizza!
